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Bessie Coleman: Black Female Explorers you Should Know About
"Black women ain't never goin' to fly..." “Black women ain’t never goin’ to fly”, Bessie Coleman’s brother told her in 1919, whilst...

Zora Neale Hurston: Black Women Explorers you Should Know About
"I have the nerve to walk my own way, however hard, in my search for reality, rather than climb upon the rattling wagon of wishful...

Guess Who's Back...Back Again...
Since returning from following in Alexandra David-Neels' footsteps, to be honest I've been a bit lost and confused. The expedition was a...

The Female Guide Who Didn't Exist
I was told I would never find a female trip leader in northern India. What I’ve learned during this whole process however, is never to...

Traditional Clothes Wake-up Call
On Wednesday 15th November, I grabbed my many bags, and did the final long walk to work…only joking I obviously got a taxi! I knew there...

Might Go Tits Up
In My Journey to Lhasa, Alexandra David-Néel only mentions "cotton undergarments" as an indication of what she wore under her long cotton...

Charity Announcement: Freedom Kit Bags
I'm really pleased to announce that the charity I will be raising money for is Freedom Kit Bags! Many girls and women from rural and...

India: 12 Years On
The last time I went to India I was only 16, which is around the same time I first read My Journey to Lhasa by Alexandra David-Néel. It...

The Ultimate Adventurer: A Video
Check out this little video that History's Women Adventurers put together about Alexandra David-Néel, who they describe as the ULTIMATE...

The Story of the Yak Wool Hat
Somewhere along the way, during the final six month stretch of her 14 year journey, Alexandra David-Néel came across a fur hat in a patch...
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