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Bear Grylls x Woman with Altitude

The lovely Bear Grylls got in touch, and I'm really excited to share that I am now featured as one of Bear's Heroes over on his website.

Bear's questions were pretty epic, here is a little taster for you!

Do you have a motto you live by?

You never know until you try, is probably mine. No matter how crazy an idea is, you never know if it will work until you try! I put off organising my first trip for years as I was embarrassed, shy, and thought it was too crazy, but I’m so glad I took the leap and tried. This motto also works for me in another sense in that I’m always proud of myself if I’ve tried my best, even if things don’t work out, which often they don’t, as long as I’ve tried my hardest, I don’t mind what the outcome is. 

You can read the rest of the interview on Bear's website, it would be interesting to know what your answers would be to some of those questions!

Bear Grylls interviewing Elise Wortley from Woman with Altitude



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