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Woman with Altitude on the BBC!

“Anything that makes you feel brave is great.”

Woman with Altitude has recently been featured across the BBC! It was such an honour to present one of the BBC's most watched programmes, Countryfile, and talk about one of my biggest inspirations, Nan Shepherd in The Cairngorms.

You can watch the whole episode on BBCiplayer here, or just my segment on the Woman with Altitude instagram here.

As well as Countryfile, I created a short video about my project with the BBC News team, which you can watch here, and there is also a detailed write up of my travels over on the BBC Travel website called "In the Footsteps of History's Forgotten Female Explorers".

Finally, I recorded a podcast with BBC World Service, and was over the moon to be featured on live TV with the BBC Breakfast show. Click here to watch that clip!

It's been an absolutely brilliant start to 2022, and I am full of gratitude and excitement as I plan my next journey. Watch this space!

Elise Wortley and Woman with Altitude talking about female explorers on the BBC
Elise Wortley on BBC News



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